Monday, September 12, 2011

Post PAX Depression

I don't know what it is but I always seem to take a while to decompress after PAX, its like time compresses while I'm there and 5 days seems like a year. Don't get me wrong I had a blast this year just as I did last year and in Boston, but I think PAX is its own universe in some ways. After PAX everything seems to move so slow, there is none of the nearly manic gotta get it done that you feel while you are there, other things are missing too. its hard to get the same feeling of camaraderie out side of the enforcers. This weekend I went to a post PAX Party, there was a good turn out of [E] and a good time was had by all but even there the feeling was different, but in a good way. we ate pizza drank beer, played games, even sang some cheesy songs. Really its what I think I needed, the perfect cure for the sort of haze we all settle into after PAX. I know I am not the only one, all the other [E] I've spoken too have said the same thing. And I would not trade it for the world, I had a blast and will continue be back next year (east is still up for debate). As for feeling like I have too much time, well classes start today, school will cure me of that illusion quickly enough.

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